
The product provider & underwriters of our Travel Insurance policy, Ergo Travel Insurance Services Ltd, are no longer able to support this service.
All Insurance policies issued up to and including the 17.04.24 are still valid based on the policy details in the below link.

  • Passenger Travel Insurance (optional)

As an interim measure, alternative 'temporary' options are available as below, should you wish to purchase insurance.

  1. Insurance can be purchased online via the following link :
  2. Alternatively, please call 023 9241 9074 - Quote reference Wrightsure2024/Simply Groups Limited where a dedicated team for Wrightsure clients will be able to assist.

Click here to see the Wrightsure Services passenger insurance policy for passengers travelling up to December 2025 (where issued on or before 17.04.24).

Click here to see the Endorsement of Extension for Dates of Travel to December 2025 (where purchased on or before 17.04.24)

Click here to see the Status Disclosure Information for ALL passengers.

Click here to see the Insurance Product Information Document

Not the right level of cover to meet your Travel Insurance needs?
If we cannot offer you the right level of cover to meet your Travel Insurance needs, or if the  premium is higher than you wish to pay because of medical conditions, you may be able to get help by accessing The Money and Pensions Service travel directory at:

Simply Groups Limited is an appointed representative of ITC Compliance Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (their registration number is 313486) and which is permitted to advise on and arrange general insurance contracts.